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Dr. Qiu is a worldwide pioneer leading the development of Service Science (an emerging and interdisciplinary field of AI, Data Analytics, Big Data, Management Science, Social Science, and Computing Science) around the world. Since 2004, Dr. Qiu has actively promoted service science education and research internationally, aimed at developing the needed knowledge and skills required in today and the future’s service-led global economy. In addition to initiating international conferences around the Service Science, Dr. Qiu worked with many international scholars to have founded the Service Science Section of INFORMS (in 2006) and the Logistics and Services Technical Committee in the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (in 2005). Service Science, a fully refereed journal, was launched in 2008 and became an official INFORMS journal in 2011 under his leadership and vision. He has been working diligently with many other pioneers in this emerging research, education, and application field to make Service Science an INFORMS flagship journal, facilitating the development of Service Science to better serve academics and practitioners in this field worldwide. Dr. Qiu served as the editor-in-chief of INFORMS Service Science. He was an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics and an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. Dr. Qiu’s recent research interests include smart healthcare, smart cities, efficient energy, and digital transformation by leveraging AI, data analytics, big data, and other emerging technologies to enhance efficiency, gain insights, and drive innovations for the better world. Dr. Qiu is currently the Editor-in-chief of Digital Transformation and Society published by Emerald Publishing and SpringerBriefs in Service Science published by Springer. He has had more than 180 publications, including 3 books.


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