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About DTS

Aims and scope

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Digital Transformation and Society (DTS) publishes innovative and original papers on all topics related to digital technology, development, and transformation in business and society, promoting work that crosses technical, business, social, and other disciplinary boundaries. It is the primary forum for presenting new theories and new empirical results in the emerging, interdisciplinary field of digital transformation and society, incorporating research, education, and practice. It aims to present empirical, modelling, and theoretical studies of business and society digitalization and transformation. Topics covered include but are not limited to the following:

Theory and Fundamentals

  • The Theory and Development of Digital Transformation and Society

  • Values and Impacts of Digital Transformation

  • Digitality and Intangibility

  • Digital Transformation and Intellectual Property

  • Digital Identify, Trust, Security, and Privacy

  • Governance, Regulations, and Policies

Business and Organization Transformation

  • Digital Transformation in Business

  • Digital Transformation in Organizations

  • Service Digitalization

  • Industry Digitalization

  • Digital Logistics and Supply Chain

Society Transformation

  • Digital Arts and Life

  • Digital Citizenship

  • Digital Transformation in Cultural Institutions

  • Digital Transformation and Cultural Change

  • Digital Literacy and Societal Engagement

  • Digital Community and Urban Development and Sustainability

  • Digital Divide and Societal Challenges

Platforms and Technology

  • Blockchain

  • Digital Twin Technology

  • Metaverse and Immersive Technology

  • Data, Systems, and Society

  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Analytics in Digitalization

  • Platformization and Digital Transformation

Applications and Trends

  • Digital Economy

  • Digital Healthcare

  • Digital Currency and FinTech

  • Digital and Smart City

  • Digital Education and Workforce

  • The Future of Work, Life, and Society

To submit to the journal, please go to ScholarOne manuscripts portal. Please follow the author guidelines before submitting.

All articles are published open access, so are made freely available at no charge to the author.

DTS is published by Emerald Publishing on behalf of the Chengdu University, who owns the title. DTS is published under a platinum OA arrangement, in that all charges for publishing an OA article in the Journal are funded by the Chengdu University. Therefore, there is no charge to the author.

Copyright © Journal Center of Chengdu University. Address: 2025 Chengluo Avenue, Chengdu Zip Code: 610000 Tel: 028-84616023