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Important Notice|The 1st International Symposium on Digital Transformation and Future Society, 2024 The 3rd Round

Information source: Release date:2024-05-27 Click number:


Important Notice|The 1stInternational Symposium on Digital Transformation and Future Society, 2024

The 3rdRound

Chengdu University, China

June 28-June 30, 2024


Almost every field worldwide, including economy, politics, culture,education, medicine, and others, has been influenced by the progress of digital technologies in social transformation and governance innovation. In this context,Digital Transformation and Society(DTS), launched in August 2022, aims to discuss how digital technology influences and changes societies and promotes criticism analysis and research regarding the theory and development of digital transformation society.DTShas made a great stride since its beginning and has been indexed by DOAJ, Scopus, and other key databases. In 2023, scholars in four universities, includingChengdu University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xian Jiao Tong University, and Nanjing University, proposed an annual international symposium about digitally-enabled themes. The first symposium with bilingual translation will be held from June 28 to 30, 2024 at Chengdu University.At that time, a particular column will be set up on the website of Chinese Social Sciences.

Related information about the symposium can be found as follows.+


1. Theme and topics

The symposium’s theme is “Digitalization Empowering Social Transformation and Governance Innovation.” Topics include but are not limited to the following:

☆Theory of digital intelligence empowering foundation and practical cases;

☆Utilization and challenge of AI in social governance;

☆Big-data-driven innovation and efficiency promotion in the domain of public service;

☆Issues related to data privacy and security under the digital intelligence governance model;

☆Influence and inspiration of digitally-enabled empowerment on social economy development;

☆Development and governance of smart cities in the context of digital intelligence;

☆Innovations and practices of digital technologies in education, medicine, traffic, and other domains;

☆Comparison of digitally-empowered policies and experiences in China and abroad;

☆Discussion on governance innovation and talent training model;

☆Enterprise digitalization and the effect on social governance.

We have invited prestigious scholars from China, the USA, England, Switzerland, and the Arab Emirates to physically participate in the symposium, provide their keynote speeches and presentations, and hold round table meetings.


2. Agenda


DAY 1 (June 27, 2024)RegistrationLocation: International Exchange Center of Chengdu University.Rezen Dong Hotel(Chengdu University, Qinglong Lake Wetland Park)
DAY 2 (June 28, 2024)Digital Empowered Social Reform and Governance InnovationLocation: Banquet Hall of International Exchange Center of Chengdu University. Host
8:30-9:10 8:10 Opening ceremony (Guests entering the Hall) Prof. Zhibin JIANGCo-EIC of DTS, cheungkong Scholar, Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
8:30-8:40 Welcome speech by the principal of Chengdu University, China
8:40-8:50 Welcome speech by Prof. Robin QIU, Editor-in-Chief of DTS, Pennsylvania State University, USA
9:00-9:10 Group photos
9:10-9:50 Keynote speech: Digital transformation: case studies, by Prof. Robin QIU, Editor-in-Chief of DTS, Pennsylvania State University, USA Prof. Xu CHENWinner of the National Ten Thousand Talents program, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
9:50-10:30 Keynote speech: Digital intelligent logistics supply chain based on artificial intelligence large model, by Prof. Zhibin JIANG, Co-EIC of DTS, Cheung Kong Scholar, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
10:30-10:40 Tea Break
10:40-11:20 Keynote speech: Research on health management of chronic diseases enabled by digital intelligence technology, by Prof. Li LUO, Cheung Kong Scholar, Sichuan University, China Prof. Robin QiuCo-EIC of DTS, Pennsylvania State University, USA
11:20-12:00 Keynote speech: Transformation of a manufacturing system: from manufacturing chain to manufacturing ecology, by Prof. Yongjian LI, Distinguished Young Scholar, Nankai University, China
12:00-13:30 Lunch Time
13:30-14:10 Keynote speech: Innovation and supply chain operation mode practice under digital intelligence transformation by Prof. Guo LI, The National Young High-level Talent, Beijing Institute of Technology, China. Prof. Gang KOU,Southwest University of Finance and Economics, China. National high-level talent
14:10-14:50 Keynote speech: Digital economy transformation and Investment: development trend, capital challenges, and information optimization, by Prof. Zeshui XU, Distinguished Young Scholar, Cheung Kong Scholar, Sichuan University, China.
14:50-15:10 Tea Break
15:10-15:50 Keynote speech: Research on the Optimization of digital intelligent warehouse management based on a mathematical programming algorithm, by Prof. Lu ZHEN, Distinguished Young Scholar, Dean of Management School, Shanghai University, China Prof. Li LUO, Cheung Kong Scholar, Sichuan University, China
15:50-16:30 Keynote speech: Supply chain management of blockchain, by Prof. Xu CHEN, winner of the National Ten Thousand Talents Program, Dean of the Management School, University of Electronic Science and Technology, China.
16:30-17:10 Keynote speech: Research on multi-view graph comparative learning method and its application in Recommendation Systems, by Prof. Gang KOU, Dean of Research Institute of Big Data, Southwest University of Finance and Economics, China.
18:00-20:00 Dinner Time
DAY 3 (June 29, 2024)Panel 1: Digital Transformation and Future Society,Banquet Hall Host
8:30-9:10 Keynote speech: How immersion affects data disclosure in virtual environments by Prof. Christian Matt, University of Bern, Switzerland. Mr. Pinglu WANG, Secretary General at Southwest base of Tencent Research Institute, China
9:10-9: 50 Keynote speech: Research on the modernization of emergency management enabled by new-generation information technology by Prof. Haibo ZHANG, Young Changjiang Scholar, Associate Dean of Government School, Nanjing University, China.
10: 00-10:20 Tea Break
10:20-11:00 Keynote speech: The practice of shared manufacturing in China by Prof. Kangzhou WANG, Young Changjiang Scholar, Lanzhou University, China.
11:00-11:40 Keynote speech: Research on the frontier issues of the world's Internet judicial intelligent perception system by Prof. Li YANG, Young Changjiang Scholar, Executive Deputy of Intelligent Judicature Research Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
12:00-13:30 Lunch Time
13:30-14:10 Keynote speech: Value alignment: AI governance and human-machine Coexistence by Mr. Pinglu WANG, Secretary General at Southwest base of Tencent Research Institute, China. Prof. KangzhouWANG, the National Young High-level Talent, Lanzhou University.
14:10-14:50 Keynote speech: Human-machine collaborative decision-making for healthcare by Prof. Na GENG, National Young High-level Talent, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
14:50-15:10 Tea Break
15:10-15:50 Keynote speech: The potential of big data science in supporting clinical decision-making and promoting personalized Health care: case studies by Dr. Tingyan WANG,Senior data scientist at the University of Oxford, UK
15:50-16:30 Keynote speech: Computing leads innovation and development from high performance to artificial intelligence by Dr. Jianbo WANG, Research Fellow, Executive deputy director of the National Supercomputing Center in Chengdu, China.
18:00-20:00 Dinner Time
Panel 2: Industry Transformation in Digital SocietyMultifunction Meeting Hall Host
8:30-9:10 Keynote speech: A new quality productive force will be built by the revolution of artificial intelligence on China's meta-universe platform by Prof. Yuanpu JIN, Renmin University of China. Prof. Na GENG, National Young High-level Talent, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
9:10-9:50 Keynote speech: Global sustainable cooperation and public participation based on open data by Dr. Haozhi PAN, National High-level Young Talent, Associate Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
10:00-10:20 Tea break
10:20-11:00 Keynote speech: Digital media transformation and future social risk governance, by Prof. Benqian LI, National high-level Talent, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
11:00-11:40 Keynote speech: Application and development of blockchain from the perspective of big data analysis by Prof. Xi ZHAO, National High-level Talent, Xi'an Jiao Tong University, China.
12:00-13:30 Lunch Time
13:30-14:10 Keynote speech: CoDesigns ESD in practice: a roadmap for educators and learners by Prof. Norita Ahmad, United Arab Emirates, American University of Sharjah Prof. Xi ZHAO, The National High-level Talent, Xi'an Jiao Tong University, China.
14:10-14:50 Keynote speech: Big data-driven policymaking: towards improving regional industry chain and innovation by HOSSIN MD ALTAB, Foreign expert of Chengdu University, China.
14:50-15:10 Tea break
17:00-19:00 Dinner Time
DAY 4 (June 30, 2024)Location: VIP Lounge Host
9:30-11:30 ◆Roundtable Meeting: Discussion on the Enhancement of Digital Transformation and Society◆Editorial Committee Election and Appointment Ceremony◆Group photo of theDigital Transformation and SocietyEditorial Committee. Jiale REN, executive editor of DTS,Research Fellow, Chengdu University, China.
DAY 5 (July 1, 2024) Departure



3. Registration

The symposium is free admission, but each participant must pay for his/her own cost, including travel, food, and accommodation. The accommodation cost is around 300 Yuan per room each day. The Symposium location is the International Academic Exchange Center of Chengdu University, which is also the location of the Rezen Dong Hotel (Qinglong Lake Wetland Park Branch).

Please scan the QR code below and fill in your information for registration before June 25.


4. Traffic Information

From Tianfu Airport to Rezen Dong Hotel: You can ride metro line 18, transfer to line 7 at Chengdu South Railway Station, and then transfer to line 4 at Huaishudian, the destination is Chengdu University. From there, you can either taxi or walk to the hotel.

From Shuang Liu Airport to Rezen Dong Hotel: You can ride metro line 10, transfer to line 7 at Taipingyuan, and then transfer to line 4 at Huaishudian, Chengdu University is your destination. From there, you can either taxi or walk to the hotel.

From Chengdu East Railway Station to Rezen Dong Hotel: You can ride metro line 7, then transfer to line 4 at Huaishudian to Chengdu University your destination. From there, you can either taxi or walk to the hotel.

5. Consultation

For further inquiries, feel free to contact with:

Ms. Liu, 13880743664;

Ms. Lin, 13183862732;

Mr. Ren, 17708026277

The email


Hosted by:

Chengdu University, China

Held by:

Journal Center of Chengdu University

Office of International Cooperation and Exchange of Chengdu University

Information Network Center of Chengdu University

Entrepreneurship College of Chengdu University

Social Science Department of Chengdu University

Foreign Language School of Chengdu University

Business School of Chengdu University

Supported by:

Tencent Research Institute

National Supercomputing Center in Chengdu

By Digital Transformation and Society office


Copyright © Journal Center of Chengdu University. Address: 2025 Chengluo Avenue, Chengdu Zip Code: 610000 Tel: 028-84616023